Asia Column

Leniency Under The Hong Kong Competition Ordinance  – Sébastien J. Evrard, Scott D. Hammond, & Madeleine Healy (Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher)

On China’s Adoption of Competitive Neutrality Policy  – Ding Maozhong (Shanghai University of Political Science and Law)

Japan’s Consolidated Anti-Monopoly Act: Recent Developments and Non-Developments  – Mel Marquis (European University Institute, Florence & Doshisha University, Kyoto) & Shingo Seryo (Doshisha University, Kyoto)

Electricity and Telecom Regulation: China in Context  – Irene S. Wu (U.S. Federal Communications Commission)

Recent Developments in Korean Competition Law Enforcement  – Youngjin Jung & Gina Choi (Kim & Chang, Seoul)

Public Enforcement of Antitrust Law in China: Perspective of Procedural Fairness  – Jet Deng & Ken Dai (Dacheng Law Offices)

Competition Policy in Asia: Essays on Recent Development  – Edited by Dr. Vanessa Yanhua Zhang (Global Economics Group)

Is Chinese Private Antitrust Litigation Ready to Take Off?  – Jiangxiao Athena Hou (Zelle Hofmann Voelbel & Mason LLP)

Antitrust Enforcement with Respect to Intellectual Property in China  – Fay Zhou, Xi Liao & Christoph Barth (Linklaters LLP)

The Antitrust Analysis of Rules and Standards for Software Platforms and Its Implications for China  – David S. Evans & Vanessa Zhang (Global Economics Group)

Antitrust Developments in the PRC in 2014  – Michael Han & David Boyle (Fangda Partners)

Intellectual Property Right Holders and Dominance  –  Susan Ning, Yang Yang & Sarah Eder

Best Wishes From CPI!  – David Evans (Founder of Competition Policy International) Vanessa Yanhua Zhang

Due Process, Transparency and Procedural Fairness in Asian Antitrust  – Daniel Sokol (Professor of Law, University of Florida and Senior Of Counsel, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati.)

Antitrust Enforcement: China Ups the Ante – Michael Han and David Boyle (Fangda Partners)

Minority Participations and Merger Control Filing Requirements in East Asia – Maxime Vanhollebeke & Shan Hu (Norton Rose Fulbright, Hong Kong)

Qihoo 360 v Tencent: First Antitrust Decision by The Supreme Court – David S. Evans & Vanessa Yanhua Zhang

The 2013 Amendments to Japan’s Anti-Monopoly Act: Some History and a Preliminary Evaluation – Mel Marquis (European University Institute, Florence) & Shingo Seryo (Doshisha University, Kyoto)

Overview of Current Antitrust Enforcement in Korea – Hwang Lee (Korea University School of Law; Deputy Director, ICR Law Center)

Antitrust Regulation of IPRs – China’s First Proposal – Adrian Emch (Hogan Lovells) & Liyang Hou (KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Singapore Joins the World In Fighting International Cartels – Chester Toh (Partner, Rajah & Tann)

Merger Control in China: Understanding MOFCOM’s Unique Approach – Sébastien J. Evrard & Baohui Zhang (Jones Day)

Implications of International Experience for Evaluating Unfair Pricing under China’s Anti-Monopoly Law – David S. Evans (GlobalEcon/UChicago) Vanessa Yanhua Zhang (GlobalEcon) and Xinzhu Zhang (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

Trade Associations in Asia: A Predictable Focus of the Authorities – Mark Jephcott & Peggy Leung (Herbert Smith Freehills)

How Chinese Antitrust Law Has Affected the Business Operations in China: Perspective of Life Science Industry – Jet Deng and Ken Dai (Partners, Beijing Dacheng Law Offices, LLP)

Huawei v. InterDigital: China at the Crossroads of Antitrust and Intellectual Property, Competition and Innovation – Michael Han & Kexin Li (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, Beijing)

Rethinking Resale Pricing in China – Ninette Dodoo (Clifford Chance, Beijing)

Attention Rivalry Among Online Platforms by David S. Evans (GlobalEcon/UChicago)

Competition Policy in Japan: Sizing Up the Takeshima era by Akira Inoue (Baker & McKenzie/Gaikokuho, Tokyo) and Mel Marquis (European University Institute, Florence)

State of Merger Control in India by K K Sharma (KK Sharma Law Offices & ex–Director General, CCI)

MOFCOM Publishes Interim Regulations on Standards for Simple Mergers and Requests Public Comments by Beth Farmer (Professor of Law & International Affairs McQuaide Blasko Faculty Scholar, Penn State Law School)

MOFCOM Publishes Draft Merger Remedy Rules by James Modrall, Matthew Bachrack,& Cunzhen Huang (Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP)

The Qihoo v. Tencent Landmark Decision by David S. Evans (GlobalEcon/UChicago) and Vanessa Yanhua Zhang (Global Economics Group)

A Look Back at Year One by Vanessa Yanhua Zhang (Global Economics Group)

Developments in Criminal Enforcement of Competition Law in Korea by Hee-Eun Kim (Covington & Burling LLP Brussels Office)

The new trend of network distribution and a reconsideration of copyright protection by Jason Si (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, IP Institute Doctoral Candidate, Director of Tencent Legal Department)

Recent developments in civil litigation under China’s Anti-monopoly Law by Margaret Wang (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer) and Richard Hughes (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer)

Assessment of information technology mergers in ChinaNinette Dodoo (Clifford Chance, Beijing) and Angie Ng (Clifford Chase, Hong Kong)

SOEs and competition policy in ChinaWei Tan (Renmin University of China)

Hong Kong’s First Economy-Wide Competition Law: A Review of the Law and the Challenges Ahead – Margaret Wang (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer)

A Competition Law for Hong Kong – Marc Waha (Norton Rose) and Julienne Chang (Norton Rose)

Antitrust Litigation in China – A Step Forward – James Modrall, Matthew Bachrack and Cunzhen Huang (Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton)